Monday, 5 September 2011


Why are they always doing this to me?


Why for once could I not be asked to follow someone who’s at least a little bit less brain-dead? Someone who for example actually pays attention to their surroundings and isn’t in a desperate bid to get themselves killed all of the time…

I mean even if they were still going to attempt suicide would it really hurt them if just once in a while they paid attention?

Symudiad watched his feet going one in front of the other as he loped along, the grass disappearing behind him as he reached the mud track the thugs had taken.

I always have to follow as they get dragged away to some miserable fate.

Don't interfere, what kind of instructions are they? I'll tell you rubbish ones! Who? Who, I ask you, enjoys just watching as their charges are systematically destroyed.

Maybe though... Just maybe this'll be the big one. Get me fast-tracked. On the way to some major winners... maybe I should give him a few hints and tips, surreptitiously like. He'd never notice... he may notice a cat following him though.

Hmm... thought processes.

'What should we do with the woman?'

'How am I sposed to know? We were told to get him, nothing about her. But you said "we can't leave her behind..." so we brought her with us. Only now she won't shut up!'

They're angry... they're my thugs...they're my charges...

'Maybe we should kill her and hide the body... get it over with'

Ok. Sod no interference. I can't let a woman get murdered, even if she is irritating, they do have a point... No! No murders. It wouldn't be right...

Oh Gods what do I do now?


Ok Ok... hang on... does that mean you didn't really mean the interference?



What'll scare them most...?

Having undergone some of the most painful moments of his life Symudiad looked up to see two bewildered and slightly terrified thugs... and then looked down to see a naked man...

OH Gods! Where did I Go?!...

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